This is where the buck stops. Regretfully, like everyone on the INLS lis tserve, I have the misfortune of reading the nasty emails on a daily basis. Everything has a limit, and the INLS controversy has crossed the limit. With this letter I am asking to make it stop, immediately Effective. Some sensible individuals on this list have expressed the same concern. I salute them for their sensibility, and join them in expressing my outrage.
Yes, God has given us speech and the power to express ourselves. But that does not give us the right to say anything that is utterly vile, hurtful and divisive. I am not condoning or accusing anyone. If the INLS election rules were violated, you have the right to oppose it. But the allegations have to be proved either in the court of law or by an independent investigative panel. One can’t both allege and judge simultaneously.
In a civil society we should have the right to agree to disagree. But what I have seen lately is personal attacks and character assassinations of certain individuals. This is not acceptable. You can disagree, but you cannot publicly say the things that have been said on this list. This is not civil.
Comparing acertain individual with Hitler just because he is short is dangerous. According to your theory (you know who you are) everyone in the world who is short acts like Hitler and has the brain of a donkey. What nonsense! You should be careful about what you say because the things you are saying may come back to haunt you with a libel suit.
For your information, there were many great scholars, scientists, artists and poets in the world throughout history who were short. Stephen Hawking, acontemporary genius scientist, is a case in point. By the way, he admitted defeat when the so-called god particle was detected just two days ago at CERN and agreed to pay $100, the bet he had wagered.
I feel ashamed of calling myself Nepali when I read the postings on the Internet from my Nepali brothers who think they are great literary figures. Why have we stooped so low? Even after we have immigrated to the U.S.we have not left our baggage behind. How sad!
Please spare me from reading such nasty and senseless remarks by removing my name from the list. In conclusion, I would like to offer a blessing given by a Jain monk: “I forgive all beings, may all beings forgive me. I have friendship toward all, malice toward none.”
Claremont, California Phone no.: 909-621-0783
उ जस्तो बिद्द्वान र जान्ने अरु कोहि छैन भनेर अमिताभ बच्चन 'खुदा गवाह' को सुटिंग गर्न नेपाल आउँदा ईन्टरभ्यु लिन…